Security Policy

This website is operated by Conrad Siegel for the benefit of the many people who participate in our clients' retirement or benefit plans. We understand that you are concerned about the security of information. We have established policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and security of your information that we believe will prevent the misuse of that information. These policies and procedures are designed to help us serve you while maintaining strict security standards.

By accessing any page of the website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions below, please do not access the website or any of its pages. If you have any questions regarding this security policy, please contact a customer service representative. See Contact Us for our hours and telephone number.

Changes to our security policy may be made occasionally. We recommend that you review our Security Policy from time to time to learn of new practices and changes to our policies. If you are a client or participant who has provided an email address, we will email you if we make a material change.

Accessing the Website

Access to this website is limited to persons who have a username and password, and who are either still in an eligible participant status in an applicable retirement or benefit plan or a Plan Administrator for an applicable retirement or benefit plan. A participant can only access information about themselves.

Access to this website is only available if the Plan Administrator for the retirement or benefit plan has contracted for it. If you are a participant in a retirement or benefit plan that you believe has contracted for website access and you have not been assigned a username and password, please contact a customer service representative.

Privacy Policy

The information for your benefits or account is kept confidential under our privacy policies and procedures. See our Privacy Policy.

Facility Security

We protect client and participant information at our office building by restricting access. Unescorted guests are not permitted beyond our reception area. Electronic devices are required to access our office areas. The computers/servers on which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

Telephone Security

For your protection our customer service representatives will follow procedures to verify your identity before discussing your benefit or account information. Our customer service representatives have access to your username and other personal information on record with us. They will ask you to verify your identity by providing name, birthdate, the last four digits of your Social Security Number, and address. If any of this information differs from the data provided by you at the time of your initial enrollment or as subsequently updated by your plan’s sponsoring employer, additional proof of identity will be required. Proof may consist of: (1) a current driver's license, (2) passport, (3) birth certificate, (4) social security card, (5) marriage license, and/or (6) court order of name change, as appropriate. You may mail, fax, or email a copy of the necessary documentation. If proper proof cannot be provided, no personal information will be disclosed.

Email Security

If you email us, you will be using your device’s email software; our website encryption will not apply.

Website Security

The information for participant benefits and accounts is kept private and secure through multiple security features and procedures.

  • As a participant in a retirement or benefit plan, you can only access information about your benefits or account using your username and password.
  • When you initially access the website, you are asked to set up your own username and password. This frees you to use something that is easy for you to remember that is not tied to your personal financial information or Social Security Number.
  • In order to assist you if you forget your username or password, you are asked to answer one of five security questions and to provide us with your email address. If you should forget your username, you will be asked your email address on file and date of birth. Upon your correct response, we will email you the requested information. If you should forget your password, you will be asked your username, email address, and security question. Upon your correct response we will email you a verification code to be used to reset your password. Our email will never contain your password.
  • It is your responsibility to keep your username and password confidential.
    • Do not disclose your username to anyone, except our customer service representatives. Your password should never be disclosed.
    • Never write this information on something others may see.
    • You may change your password or security question at any time through this website. It is recommended that you periodically change your password.
    • Contact us immediately if you suspect someone has discovered your account access information.
  • Information you submit through our website, as well as the information we send back to you while you are visiting our website, is protected while passing through the Internet using encryption.
  • Emails may not be encrypted. Email communication to you from our website will not contain personal information. You will be directed to a secure area on the website if personal information needs to be communicated.
  • We will use a reputable cloud computing provider, but we do not warrant or accept liability for a security breach to their system.
  • Our corporate network systems use industry standard security controls.
  • Our staff is dedicated to ensuring the security of the information we process and store.
  • Conrad Siegel has policies and procedures in place to limit access to your benefit and account information to only those who have a business need to view it.
  • Always log off before navigating to other websites.

More About Security Software

To be sure your plan benefit and account information remains private and secure, we use proven security software to encrypt the information before it is transmitted through the Internet. If your browser is not compatible with our security software, the plan information will not be uploaded to the site.

Our security software utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 256-bit encryption technology. SSL establishes a secure connection between us.

In addition to protecting communications between us, a firewall has been put in place. A firewall is a security measure that restricts access to our computer system servers that are not part of the Internet support system. We reinforce our firewall by monitoring for computer viruses, worms and signs of attempted hacking.

Accurate Information

We endeavor to keep our records accurate. If there is an error in your personal employment information, please contact the Plan Administrator for your Plan. The Plan Administrator will communicate the needed changes to us. If there is an error in your on-line benefit or account information or on your statement, please contact a customer service representative. See Contact Us for our hours and telephone number. For your protection the customer service representative will follow procedures to verify your identity before discussing your benefit or account information.

Links to Other Websites

This website contains links to other websites. The privacy and security policies of Conrad Siegel apply only to its website. Before accessing other external websites, please review their privacy and security policies.

When you link with the Social Security Administration, we do not send that website any of your personal information. Any information you provide to that website is protected by the security measures that the Social Security Administration has put in place, not by us.

If you are a participant in a Defined Contribution plan for which we are the recordkeeper, and if applicable, when viewing fund details on our website, a web page sponsored by Morningstar, Inc. is accessible. We do not send any of your personal information to Morningstar, Inc. The privacy and security policies of Morningstar, Inc. apply to its website.